Year 1

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                                                            Mrs Amy Clarke - Year 1 Teacher         Mrs Tara Beards - Year 1 Teacher

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                                                             Mrs Pam Barnes-Teaching Assistant     Mrs Ana Maldanado- Teaching Assistant

Welcome to Year 1!

Thank you for visiting our class page! My name is Mrs Clarke and I am the year 1 teacher. Mrs Barnes and Mrs M are our teaching assistants and they work with us every day. 

In Year 1, we love to learn and we do this in lots of different ways. We often work collaboratively and enjoy learning in practical ways. We regularly have GOAL time where we 'get on and learn' and lead our own learning. Most of our learning is recorded on Seesaw so that this can be shared with our adults at home. We have high expectations of ourselves and always put maximum effort into our learning.

Please keep a close eye on our class page to see what we have been up to in school as we will update our page at the end of every half term.        

Autumn 1 Curriculum Newsletter Year 1 2023

Autumn 2 Curriculum Newsletter Year 1 2023

Spring 1 Curriculum Newsletter Year 1 2024

Spring 2 Curriculum Newsletter Year 1 2024

Summer 1 Curriculum Newsletter Year 1 2024

Summer 2 Curriculum Newsletter Year 1 2024




Spring 1

This half term has been a whirlwind of activity and learning for all of us in Year 1. From diving into new topics and concepts to mastering skills in various areas, there has been no shortage of challenges and triumphs.

Here are some of the things we got up to:

In history, the children delved into the fascinating world of toys gaining insight into how toys have evolved. They compared the toys they play with today with those that children of the 1960s played with. They were surprised to find out that some popular toys today, like Lego and Barbie, were also around in the 1960s. The children found out when the Internet was invented and how this has impacted the sorts of toys and games they have today.

In art, the focus was on painting using watercolours. The children explored different techniques and looked closely at the work of Emma Burleigh. They worked on their own and collaboratively to produce some amazing pieces. The splatter technique was a particular favourite!

In PE, the children engaged in gymnastics, developing their strength, flexibility, and coordination through various exercises and routines. This not only promoted physical well-being but also teamwork as they created routines with other children.

In music, the focus was on singing, allowing students to explore their vocal talents, learn about different musical genres, and foster a love for music. They learnt and performed a song called ‘In the Groove’ using their voices and glockenspiels.

In RE, the children found out about the Jewish religion. They looked at objects that are special to Jewish people, including Mezuzahs. The children made Mezuzahs to put on a door frame at home. Inside they wrote some special words or a message that they would like to remember each day. Some examples of this were ‘be kind’, ‘always show love to your family’ and ‘show love to God’.

By logging into Seesaw, you can see a snapshot of what your child is working on in class, making it easier to support their learning at home. So, don't forget to check Seesaw regularly to stay updated on your child's educational experience!


Year 1 have been working very hard with all their learning in Maths, Reading and Writing.They have been working on how to apply their phonics through writing for a wide range of purposes across the curriculum, linked to their learning in RE, Science, and Geography. They have been reading the wonderful story book, ‘Lost and Found’ by Oliver Jeffers, and using this to create moving pictures in  DT.

In RE, the children have been learning about Judaism and in Science, they have been learning about lots of different kinds of animals and how they adapt to their environments. A visit to Paignton Zoo allowed the children to see the animals up close and personal, and learn more amazing facts and information from the experts.




What an amazing half term we've had! The children have been absolute superstars in their learning. By logging into Seesaw, you can see a snapshot of what your child is working on in class, making it easier to support their learning at home. So, don't forget to check Seesaw regularly to stay updated on your child's educational experience!

Let me give you a sneak peek of some of the highlights:

  • In science we've been out and about in the school grounds, identifying different plants and trees. The children have had so much fun exploring and learning about what plants need to grow. It's been wonderful to see their enthusiasm for the natural world!

  • In Religious Education, we've been delving deep into the Christian creation story. The children worked together to create a stunning piece of art that depicts each day of creation. It was such a collaborative effort, and the final piece looks truly amazing.

  • In English the children have been on a writing adventure, crafting their own imaginative stories based on Penda's journey in 'Don't Spill the Milk!'. I must say, the stories they have come up with are absolutely fantastic! Their creativity and effort have truly shone through.

I can't wait to see what the next half term has in store for us. Well done to all the children for their hard work and dedication. Keep up the great work, everyone!