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Our school uniform is compulsory and all children are required to wear it.

Our uniform is important to us, giving children a sense of pride and belonging to our school. We believe it has a positive impact on children’s behaviour and commitment to the school. It also enables children to be easily recognised on off-site visits and the school is often complimented on the children’s behaviour and appearance. We hope you will support us by ensuring your child has the right clothing for school.

Nursery children do not wear uniform – unless they want to!

 To keep the costs to a minimum, only the sweatshirt is a compulsory item with the school badge. Uniform is available from Thomas Moore in Fore Street, Exeter. Items without the badge can be purchased from any good clothes shop. The school holds a small supply of second hand uniform to support parents who find the costs difficult.

Our uniform is:

  • Black or grey trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore dress
  • White polo shirt
  • Purple school sweatshirt or cardigan with badge
  • Black School Shoes or fully black trainers (no patterns or logos in white or colours)..
  • Grey or white short or knee length socks, grey or black tights in winter
  • Summer - girls - purple white check/stripe dress

All children should have a sun hat in school during the summer term. There is an optional purple fleece or purple coat with school badge for outdoor wear. Children should not have extreme haircuts as they are distracting in lessons.

P.E. Kit

Purple T-shirt, with or without school badge.

Black Shorts Trainers (with Velcro fastenings for younger children. Plimsolls are no longer required. Please also note that children in the Foundation Stage will not need PE footwear until the summer term.)

Black tracksuits optional for winter.

Children must wear their P.E. kit on PE days. School jumpers to also be worn on these days.

All clothes MUST be clearly named. We accumulate a huge amount of lost property each term which is un-named and unclaimed - and such a disappointing waste of money.


Children must not wear jewellery to school, for health and safety reasons. Watches may be worn by older children but must be removed for P.E. Children are expected to take responsibility for their own watches.

Pierced Ears

If children have pierced ears, gold stud earrings only (one pair) may be worn to school. Parents should note that even these can be dangerous and would cause injury if they caught in something. Therefore, for health and safety reasons, all jewellery, including stud earrings, MUST be removed for P.E. The children must be able to remove their own earrings – it is not acceptable for them to be taped over. If your child cannot manage this independently, please make sure earrings are left at home. If you are considering letting your child have their ears pierced, please do this at the start of the summer holiday as they need 6 weeks to heal before the earrings can be removed.

Due to active and busy nature of their day, we ask that Nursery and Reception children do not wear earrings. This is to avoid injury and is part of our Health and Safety policy. 

Book Bags

Book bags are available to children and if owned, should be brought to school every day – even if a book does not need changing. Letters and other communication from school are sent in the book bag – please check it to make sure you don’t miss out on important information. Purple book bags bearing the school badge are available from Thomas Moore.

Please find the following link to our Uniform Policy

School uniform policy 2023-24