Year 2

                                                                  CF18B146B3                                              ADF727DBED

                                              Mrs Samantha Hillier- Year 2 Teacher          Mrs Debbie Tuohy - Teaching Assistant

Welcome to Year 2!

Thank you for visiting our wonderful class page! 

In Year 2, we love to learn and we do this in lots of different ways. We love to work together and enjoy working in practical ways. We have high expectations of ourselves and always put our best foot forward, showing perseverance and resilience. 

Please keep a close eye on our class page to see what Year 2 have been up to in school. We update our pages each half term.

Autumn 1 Curriculum Newsletter Year 2 2023

Autumn 2 Curriculum Newsletter Year 2 2023

Spring 1 Curriculum Newsletter Year 2 2024

Spring 2 Curriculum Newsletter Year 2 2024

Summer 1 Curriculum Newsletter Year 2 2024

Summer 2 Curriculum Newsletter Year 2 2024


Spring 1

Spring 1 was such a wonderful term! We set new routines from our morning actives, through to our end of the day. Y2 have really matured and on a daily basis show they are ready, respectful and safe.

Our Learning:

Year 2’s cross curricular learning this term focused on the question ‘What does it take to be a great explorer?’. We had the opportunity through history, English and guided reading, to learn about a wide variety of different explores and learn about both their achievements and the legacies they left, whether they were positive or negative.

In English we looked at the beautiful book, ‘Tell me a Dragon’ – written and illustrated by Jackie Morris. We were fully engrossed in her work. We worked hard, using descriptive language to create our own dragons which we were so proud of that we created our own book, which now lives in our book corner.

As scientists we built on our knowledge from Y1, looking at uses of everyday materials. We experimented with different materials to investigate which are waterproof and reflective. Once we found the appropriate materials, we discussed what their practical uses would be in our everyday lives!

Finally, at the end of term, we had the opportunity to learn about Spring Festival (Chinese New Year). We learnt about the Great Race, family traditions as well as working out which Zodiac year we were born in.


Spring 2

Year 2 love practical learning, and Miss Smith encourages this wherever possible. This half term, they have been putting their measuring skills to the test, learning how to measure accurately in different units. They then moved on to learning all about weight and mass, using grams and kilograms to weigh items around school.

In geography they have been learning all about where their food comes from. They investigated lots of different food types such as sugar and the difference between processed and natural sugars found in founds. This linked in very nicely to their learning in PSHE, which was all about ‘Healthy Me.’

As the children came to the end of their Science topic, Materials, they conducted an experiment that looked at the flexibility of plastic. They tested a number of plastic bottles to see how far the water travelled when it was squeezed! They then practiced their measuring to record the distances! Great work Year 2!

We have also seen some wonderful collaborative art work that the children worked on together.

Leading up to Easter, they have been finding out about the Last Supper and sequencing events from the Easter Story!

I am not sure they could have fit any more learning in this half term!



Summer 1 

What a fantastic time Year 2 have been having!

To enhance their learning all about Kent's Cavern, the children took a trip to see them for themselves. They held different artefacts, investigated replicas from the Stone Age, and the times of the Neanderthals. The children learnt a lot about using evidence from the past, and the archaeologists over the years who have excavated the caverns in the search of artefacts. Back at school, the children worked in pairs to create a fact file all about heir learning!

In science, the children have been learning about 'Animals, including humans', and what they need to survive. They went on a bug hunt around school looking for any creepy crawlies they could find. They discussed their habitats what they need within our environment to survive.

In DT, the children have been learning about food hygiene and the risks within a kitchen. They have been exploring healthy balanced diets and used the design on repeated patterns to create delicious fruit kebabs, practising their cutting skills.

In Art, learning has been centred around the artist, Wassily Kandinsky. The children created a fact file on his life before recreating their own version of his work, based on the 'Colour Study: Squares with Concentric Circles 1013'.