Mrs Victoria Clements - Year 5 Teacher Mrs Clare Rice - Year 5 Teacher
Mrs Alison Statton - Teaching Assistant Mrs Hayley Jones- Teaching Assistant
We are a fabulous group of children who work hard and love to learn! Our teachers are Mrs Clements and Mrs Rice - our teaching assistants are Mrs Statton and Mrs Jones.
We love going on trips and through these, and our love for reading, we bring lots of our knowledge to the classroom. We also love to collaborate and support each other with our learning which makes our classroom a friendly, enthusiastic place to be.
Our class newsletters are below - please keep a close eye on this page for further updates about what we are learning as well as our Class Dojo page.
Autumn 1 Curriculum Newsletter Year 5 2023
Autumn 2 Curriculum Newsletter Year 5 2023
Spring 1 Curriculum Newsletter Year 5 2024
Spring 2 Curriculum Newsletter Year 5 2024
Welcome to Year 5!
We are a fabulous group of children who work hard and love to learn! Our teachers are Mrs Clements and Mrs Rice - our teaching assistants are Mrs Statton and Mrs Jones.
We love going on trips and through these, and our love for reading, we bring lots of our knowledge to the classroom. We also love to collaborate and support each other with our learning which makes our classroom a friendly, enthusiastic place to be.
Our class newsletters are below - please keep a close eye on this page for further updates about what we are learning.
What a fantastic busy half term we've had! Year 5 have been working hard and showing great collaboration and determination in their learning as always. Take a look below to see what we have learnt:
The children enjoyed revisiting our class book from earlier in the year, Kensuke's Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo. This term, we have been using the book as a stimulus for our writing, particularly using 'show not tell' and parenthesis in descriptive narrative writing. We also learnt how to build up tension writing a fast-paced story based on the animation 'Ruin'. We enjoyed high-quality discussion on the science-fiction, dystopian elements of the animation!
To enhance our history learning about Ancient Greece, in Guided Reading we have been using our retrieval, inference and explaining skills to explore the Ancient Greek myths of Perseus, Theseus and Pandora.
Those of us new to Year 5 have been working hard with learning English and working hard in phonics sessions to learn how to read.
This half term has been all about fractions! This is an area that some of us have found tricky but we're getting there! Many of us have enjoyed working with Mrs Merrett and getting stuck in to some more complex reasoning problems to challenge our mathematical thinking.
We have also been working hard on making sure our times tables are secure as well as our inverse division recall.
We have been answering the key question of 'The Trojan Horse - fact, legend or myth?' - we have been using our historical enquiry skills to examine primary and secondary evidence. We have then hypothesised and come to our own conclusions.
We have enjoyed developing our printing techniques to create pieces inspired by nature and poetry. Using acrylic paint, we have explored the shapes of nature, and used these shapes to compose 'poetry on paper'. We also found or created our own poetry then built on our previously-learnt typography skills to weave the poetry into our art.
We have discussed different types of bullying and ways to prevent it in our school. We have also begun exploring goals and dreams for the future.
We have enjoyed developing our vocabulary and conversation skills talking about food and practising ordering in a cafe or a restaurant.
This half term we have been exploring and investigating forces! Learning about gravity and Sir Issac Newton, experimenting with designing and racing our own boats to test how streamlining affects water resistance. As scientists we have also been focusing on carrying out fair tests and writing detailed conclusions to our investigations.
We have been exploring the question ‘Why do Christians believe Jesus is the Mesiah? We also enjoyed a trip to the ‘Life’ exhibition all about Jesus at Belmont Chapel.
This term while half the class have had swimming lessons, the other half have been developing our tennis skills. We have recapping the forehand and backhand shots and learnt volley and overhead shots as well as different tactics for playing doubles games. As a whole class we have also been developing our passing skills in netball and learning different tactics for getting free and finding space on the court.
Year 5 have had an excellent second half of the Spring term!
They have really enjoyed their PE lessons with, tennis, swimming at the Exeter School and the ‘Joy of Moving Programme’ run by the EFL Trust, which focuses on getting the children active and on the importance of healthy eating.
In Science, the children have been learning how to use Newton metres as part of their investigation around friction. As geographers, the children have been learning about mountains, including how fold mountains, such as the Himalayas are created. They have explored why mountaineers found crinoid fossils at the Summit of Mount Everest as well as making comparisons with other mountains in the UK. The children we are able to talk knowledgeably about their learning when speaking to visitors about their learning!
In DT, the children have been using art straws to create 3D structures. They were given the brief of creating a bird hide and are exploring different joining techniques and their various strengths.
World Book Day was a great success in Year 5. The children designed their own book cover for Michael Morpurgo’s Kensuke’s Kingdom, the book they have been reading in English. These were displayed on the classroom door for all to see! They also spent some of the day reading and sharing their favourite books with our Year 1 children - spreading the joy of reading across our school.
We were also fortunate to enjoy a special visit to The Barnfield Theatre to watch a production of ‘Spamalot’ performed by the children at Maynard’s School at their invitation.
We are particularly proud of a group of Year 5 children who give up their lunchtimes every Monday to deliver an Arts and Crafts Club for the younger children. They plan each session themselves and bring in all the resources they need. It is so lovely watching their caring and supportive natures as they help the younger children.
Summer 1
It has been a super busy half term for year 5!
As scientists, the children have had a very hands-on half term investigating different properties and changes of materials, including thermal and electrical conductivity and the solubility of different substances in water. They have also built on their statistics learning in maths to draw line graphs to show the results of their experiments.
As historians, year 5 have been immersing themselves in Ancient Egypt and enjoyed learning about Tutankhamun. They have drawn on this learning to write an imaginative story, modelled on Frank Cottrell Boyce's 'Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and the race against time' inspired by Ancient Egypt.
As linguists year 5 have been learning to talk about going on school trips and to ask questions and give information about their town, including practising giving directions around the playground!
In R.E year 5 have been exploring the question 'What would Jesus do?' and have explored and interpreted bible readings to better understand Jesus' teachings, including through drama.
In P.E the children have been building on their athletics skills, including some of the class taking part in a mini-Olympics activity. They have enjoyed playing tag rugby and shown some excellent team-work and stamina in their passing and moving as a team.
Lots of extra curricular activities have also been offered this half term! The children have had a great time in their outdoor learning in Forest School and some have also been out and about developing their road safety skills on their bikes as part of 'Bikeability'. Many children have also taken up the offer of different clubs including writing and Spanish club in their lunchtimes as well as an excellent STEM workshop offered by Maynard School for a group of year 5 girls. We also enjoyed a live-author webinar with Pari Thomson hosted by Waterstones, a great morning exploring different genres of books with 'Reading Roundabout' and children loved the opportunity to hold the chicks that hatched at school through the 'Living Eggs' programme.
Well done year 5 we are proud of your hard work this half term!