Friends of St Sidwell's School (FOSSS PTFA)  


FOSSS - Friends of St Sidwell’s School

What is FOSSS?

FOSSS is a collaboration between parent/carers and staff to build the school community and enrich the children's experience.

Our volunteers run fundraising events, FOSSS then fund activities that provide our children with an extra special time at St Sidwell’s.

How can I get involved?

We aim to make volunteering with FOSSS a fun and rewarding social experience and we hope you'll join us! We need at least one volunteer from each year group to sit on our planning committee, and many more besides to help run our events. There will be meetings and coffee mornings early in the year to find out more and join up, or you can send us an email anytime:

Recent Events:

In the last 18 months FOSSS has funded:

Art classes with a local artist

2 Theatre Alibi Performances

Image Theatre - wind in the willows

Weekly gardening with Joy at lunchtime

£250 annually for each class towards trips or projects

Christmas performance at the Exeter Phoenix

Updating play equipment and storage for EYFSU

Shumba Arts drumming workshop

Year 6 SATS breakfasts

Christmas gifts for all children from their class teacher


Recent FOSSS fundraising events include:

Coffee mornings

School Disco

Film Night

The Christmas Fair & Raffle

The Summer Fun Afternoon

Ice cream sales

Bake sales

2nd Hand Uniform Sales

Summer Quiz Night