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At St Sidwell's, we hope our children develop a love of music and an increased understanding of the impact that music can have on their own and others’ lives. We teach Music through Charanga.


 The aims are:

  1. To inspire and engage pupils. 
  2. To increase self-confidence and sense of achievement. 
  3. To listen to and evaluate music of all genres. 
  4. To be able to create and compose. 

The teaching and learning of the music curriculum at St Sidwell's Primary School is planned using the Charanga Music Scheme. The Charanga Music Scheme follows the National Curriculum. It provides wide exposure to musical styles and genres from different times and places and promotes the exploration of the language of music through active listening, performing and composing activities.

Each unit follows a sequence of learning:

  • Describe music (Listening and Appraising): Appreciating the features and effectiveness of musical elements.
  • Transcribe (Musical Activities): Understanding that compositions need to be understood by others and that there are techniques and a language for communicating them.
  • Compose (Creating and Exploring): Appreciating that music is created through a process which has a number of techniques.
  • Perform: Understanding that music is created to be performed

Part one: Listen and Appraise Listen and Appraise (15 minutes)

This overview diagram includes all the listening opportunities in this Scheme through historical periods to present day.

Style Indicator Guide This Style Indicator guide will support learning and is printable 23

Part two: Musical Activities All activities are based around a song (20 minutes)

The Charanga Activity Manual provided is to support the teaching and learning here.

A. Games embed the Interrelated Dimensions of Music through repetition

B. Singing is at the heart of all the musical learning

C. Playing instruments with the song to be learnt - tuned/un-tuned classroom percussion and an option to play any band instrument. A sound-before symbol approach is used but scores are provided as an understanding of notation is introduced to the children

D. Improvising with the song using voices and instruments occurs in some Units of Work

E. Composing with the song using instruments occurs in some Units of Work

Part three: Perform/Share Share what has taken place during the lesson and work towards performing to an audience (10 minutes)


 Our children should demonstrate a progression of musical knowledge and skills which they continuously build on and embed.

We measure the impact of pupil’s work through termly teacher assessments, through discussions with children and through teaching and learning observations.  

St Sidwell's Music Progression Map - Charanga

St Sidwell's Music Development Plan

Extra-Curricular Music Opportunities

In addition to weekly Charanga lessons, children at St Sidwell's have lots of other opportunities to develop their love of music and foster their talents. We offer a range of music lessons offered by The Devon Music Service. These range from clarinet, piano and guitar. For more information about lessons on offer, please visit

Children at St Sidwell's also have the opportunity to learn an instrument through playing in a band. A group of children from across the school meet every Friday to practice learning an instrument as part of a group and then perform in a concert to a live audience.